Thursday, July 7, 2011

Episode 15: The Dawner Party

Episode 15
This episode marked a milestone for us, because The Dawner Party was the first band to come to us asking to be on the show. After weeks of talking about it via email and facebook, we finally met with them at their garage on a Friday night. That was, of course, after I read the wrong directions and ended up 7 blocks away. It was worth it though, we had a blast filming with them and look forward to everything they've got coming up in the near future.

Episode 14: Wash Machine

Episode 14: Wash Machine
The last group we were able to film at Marianarchy 2011. Wash Machine is a fairly new collaboration, featuring spoken word and music from members of Blueberry Love Machine and Wash Day. We met Tony L. Walker, the lead singer, when we did Jared Paul's episode, so it was cool to see him again and he was happy to see we wanted to do an episode with them.
Enjoy :)

Episode 13: Todd Ballowe

Episode 13

This episode brings us back to our roots: just a man and his guitar before a show. We met Todd when we filmed our first 3 episodes at the Knitting Factory, but for whatever reason didn't have the chance to do an episode with him. We were lucky enough to catch him before he played a show at the Hope Cafe. Before most of the people showed up he took out his guitar and played us a couple songs.

Episode 12: Driven by Astronauts

Episode 12

This episode wasn't planned but we're really glad that it happened. We filmed them at Marianarchy 2011, and were happily surprised to find that they'd already seen all of our episodes! Needless to say, they were thrilled that we wanted to interview them. They're an interesting group, because they formed through Craigslist. It seems to have payed off though, because they rock!

Episode 11: Hella A Cappella

Episode 11

Doing this episode was just one of those times where everything just... fell into place in the perfect way. We had just started up the Mobile Micro Shows and I saw Hella A Cappella on Facebook. I knew just by their name that we had to do an episode with them. I posted a message on their wall and sent them a message explaining the podcast and asking them to be on the show. After a couple months of talking, and a couple missed opportunities, we finally set a date. 

Episode 10: Very Pretty Pigeon

Episode 10

It's hard to describe Very Pretty Pigeon. They're the largest group we've worked with so far (9 members!) and each person comes from a different musical background. Add the fact that all 9 of them play an instrument, and you have a medley that just... works. Banjo, accordian, saxophone, guitar, drums, bass, and more. It's impossible not to get as excited as they are when they're playing.