Thursday, July 7, 2011

Episode 15: The Dawner Party

Episode 15
This episode marked a milestone for us, because The Dawner Party was the first band to come to us asking to be on the show. After weeks of talking about it via email and facebook, we finally met with them at their garage on a Friday night. That was, of course, after I read the wrong directions and ended up 7 blocks away. It was worth it though, we had a blast filming with them and look forward to everything they've got coming up in the near future.

Episode 14: Wash Machine

Episode 14: Wash Machine
The last group we were able to film at Marianarchy 2011. Wash Machine is a fairly new collaboration, featuring spoken word and music from members of Blueberry Love Machine and Wash Day. We met Tony L. Walker, the lead singer, when we did Jared Paul's episode, so it was cool to see him again and he was happy to see we wanted to do an episode with them.
Enjoy :)

Episode 13: Todd Ballowe

Episode 13

This episode brings us back to our roots: just a man and his guitar before a show. We met Todd when we filmed our first 3 episodes at the Knitting Factory, but for whatever reason didn't have the chance to do an episode with him. We were lucky enough to catch him before he played a show at the Hope Cafe. Before most of the people showed up he took out his guitar and played us a couple songs.

Episode 12: Driven by Astronauts

Episode 12

This episode wasn't planned but we're really glad that it happened. We filmed them at Marianarchy 2011, and were happily surprised to find that they'd already seen all of our episodes! Needless to say, they were thrilled that we wanted to interview them. They're an interesting group, because they formed through Craigslist. It seems to have payed off though, because they rock!

Episode 11: Hella A Cappella

Episode 11

Doing this episode was just one of those times where everything just... fell into place in the perfect way. We had just started up the Mobile Micro Shows and I saw Hella A Cappella on Facebook. I knew just by their name that we had to do an episode with them. I posted a message on their wall and sent them a message explaining the podcast and asking them to be on the show. After a couple months of talking, and a couple missed opportunities, we finally set a date. 

Episode 10: Very Pretty Pigeon

Episode 10

It's hard to describe Very Pretty Pigeon. They're the largest group we've worked with so far (9 members!) and each person comes from a different musical background. Add the fact that all 9 of them play an instrument, and you have a medley that just... works. Banjo, accordian, saxophone, guitar, drums, bass, and more. It's impossible not to get as excited as they are when they're playing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Episode 9: Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams was just one of the poets that opened for Jared Paul at Maytan Music on 4/23. She had suffered a concussion a week prior, but was strong and courageous enough to go up on stage anyway, and she delivered. We then had the opportunity to ask her a few questions.

Episode 8: The Photography of Sound

Episode 8

They may have just started, but the Photography of Sound has already formed a great experience. They mix music, spoken word, and performance poetry, and add a dash of their own humor and style into what they do. They performed before Jared Paul at Maytan Music on 4/23 and then let us ask them a few questions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Episode 7: Jared Paul

Episode 7

To call Jared Paul a spoken word poet would just be the tip of the iceberg. And if you label him as an activist or a hip hop artist, you're still barely scratching the surface. He doesn't just write, he doesn't just speak and protest, he's an activist that's actually active, he tours the country to speak and holds meetings and events in his hometown, and he also finds the time for his hip-hop group, Prayers for Atheists. We were lucky enough to have him come to Reno and he agreed to meet with us and do a private show and answer a few questions.

For the video podcast, go to

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Episode 6: Russ Lindquist's Sierra Swing Big Band

Episode 6

Swing, Big Band, and Jazz isn't as popular as it used to be. But there are still people that assemble each week to play it, and each month at the Elk's Lodge in Reno, NV Russ Lindquist's Sierra Swing Big Band plays for three hours as people dance like it's 1930 again.

For the video podcast, go to

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Episode 5: Crush

Episode 5

Crush is one of those bands that just bursts with talent. They are real musicians who like to experiment and aren’t afraid to think outside of the box. They mix things like 90′s grunge, folk vocals, and dubstep underneath their instruments to create a strange yet awesome sound. We’ve been wanting to film them for a while but finally had the chance before they did a show. We invaded their practice session in their living room, they played a whole set for us, and let us pick the 2 songs we liked the most. It was hard narrowing it down, but “Amy” and “Maribell” were the winners. Enjoy!

For the video podcast, go to

Friday, March 25, 2011

Episode 4: Memory Motel

Episode 4

The members of Memory Motel may be young, but they're talented and really care about music.  After playing an hour-long set, they stripped down to just the basics: a toy piano, a guitar, a tambourine, and a bass drum, and played a few songs.  They answered questions about how they got started, and where they're going next. Filmed after the imPROMPTu Poetry Slam at the Studio on 4th in Reno, NV.

For the video podcast, go to

Episode 3: Christy Lynn

Episode 3

Our last episode filmed at the Knitting Factory before SPITR on Feb 25. Christy Lynn played two great songs and talked to us about how she almost gave up playing music, but found the love for it again five years later.

For the video podcast, go to

Episode 2: John White

Episode 2

We sat down with John White before Songwriters/Poets in the Round at the Knitting Factory in Reno, NV.  He played a couple songs and talked about how he got started in music, along with why he wants to have lots of sex and do lots of drugs.  Filmed on Feb 25, 2011

For the video podcast, go to

Episode 1: Kate Cotter

Episode 1

We sat down with the very lovely and incredibly talented Kate Cotter, before Songwriters/Poets in the Round at the Knitting Factory in Reno, NV.  This was our first show and she was very cooperative with us considering we weren't exactly sure what we were doing.  She played 2 songs and answered a few questions about how she got started playing music professionally, and what she thinks of Songwriters/Poets in the Round.

She asked that due to audio quality issues that we take this episode down.  We are still offering it as a video podcast, just go to